Burundi (MNN) — In Burundi, one
in two children go to school, and approximately one in 15 adults have HIV/AIDS. Coupled
with the high poverty rate and poor education rates, the country is still
struggling to regain its feet after years of civil war.
A woman without an education,
vocational training, or a family is at risk of being trafficked or worse. That's where the Women of Global Action (WOGA)
comes in. They are able to intervene in
situations like this with hope.
They tell the story of 35-year-old Henriette who grew up in Burundi, the product of a rape, and HIV positive. Her mother eventually died of AIDS, and a
family took her in; but they abused her.
They eventually beat her so
badly that she needed hospital care. Once there, the family finally abandoned her. Upon
her discharge from the hospital, she had no job, no relatives and no home. Henriette often returned to the hospital just
for a safe place to sleep.
Somewhere along the line, she
heard about the WOGA micro-enterprise 10-month training program and enrolled in
the sewing class. There, the program
leaders not only taught her how to sew, but they also assured her that she was loved and valued
by God.
The message fell on thirsty
soil. Henriette now belongs to a group
that truly cares about her. Today, she
is earning enough to support herself, and she reflects the joy being part of the
family of God. She finally has hope for
her future.
Henriette is one of the hundreds helped by WOGA's ministry in Africa. Thousands more still need to know how much God
loves them and be shown God's love in practical ways like micro-enterprise
Just $53.50 a month can be
instrumental in changing a life physically and spiritually. That's under $1.80 a day — the price of a cup
of coffee. The benefits are eternal. Click here if you can help.