CAR (MNN) — For the past few weeks, it seems like nothing but bad news has come out of the Central African Republic.
First, it was a rebel takeover on March 24 that put President Bozizie on the run. In the chaos that immediately followed the coup, a Christian radio station was taken off the air by looters.
ICDI, a group working with HCJB Global in the CAR, lost three computers, a generator, transmitter pieces, and a mixing board when thieves ransacked their office in Bangui.
Click here for a complete list of looted items and critical needs.
In addition, the homes of four ICDI staff were looted; one man's son was shot and killed. Edmond Yakanenzi, the coordinator for ICDI's Orphan Care program, passed away on Monday as a result of tuberculosis.
But according to ICDI CEO Jim Hocking, there's finally some good news.
HCJB Global raised enough money to replace the equipment stolen last month, a total of $11,000 USD. Hocking will head to the CAR soon to set up the equipment, and ICDI hopes to have the radio station up and running again by early May.
Pray that Hocking and the replacement equipment would arrive in the CAR safely. Pray that the radio station will be on-air again soon.
Radio is a critical resource in the CAR, as technology is severely lacking. Through a short-wave radio station set up with the help of HCJB Global, ICDI communicates important information on AIDS prevention, orphan care, well repair programs, and many other community development initiatives.
For more on Radio ICDI, visit ICDI.org and select "Community Development."