South Africa (MNN) — Even first responders know they themselves could be attacked when answering an emergency call.
South Africa (MNN) — Even first responders know they themselves could be attacked when answering an emergency call.
Lebanon (MNN) — Hezbollah accuses Israel of being behind Tuesday’s sabotage attack.
Haiti (MNN) — Radio 4VEH, a Trans World Radio partner, continues to broadcast the hope of Christ into Haiti’s despair.
East Africa (MNN) — Churches function as makeshift hospitals or care centers in war-like situations.
USA (MNN) — The church benefitted from e3 Partners training.
Afghanistan (MNN) — G7 leaders meet virtually this week as chaos continues in Afghanistan.
Iraq (MNN) — Protests in Iraq have an answer in the form of a new Prime Minister, but is it the one they wanted?
International (MNN) — Ministry inspires Middle Eastern believers with stories of local historic Christians
Haiti (MNN) — No fuel means no World Cup and plenty of protests in Haiti