Haiti (MNN) — The 7.0-magnitude quake that shook Haiti on
January 12 left much of the capital Port-au-Prince in ruins.
The disaster destroyed the infrastructure and the seat of
government, causing a humanitarian catastrophe.
Four months later, hundreds of quake survivors are still in
limbo. These survivors are the
orphans. At the best of times, Haiti
counted just 100 licensed orphanages and 67 orphanages licensed to perform
Eva DeHart, founder of For Haiti With
Love, says that poses a unique
problem now for their staff members. "The government brought five little girls to
the orphanage and just said, ‘You will take these.' Presume asked, ‘Do they come
with food?' The guys from the government
just laughed, ‘Of course they don't come with food.' They have more kids than they know what to do
with, and they're forcing existing
orphanages to take them."
As the government continues to restructure, many of the
larger aid groups are focusing on helping to rebuild. A
double bind of time and funding is forming. Monies going to help Haiti are either going to Port-au-Prince or being held for
rebuilding and long-term projects.
It seems as if smaller organizations such as For Haiti with Love are left to keep people alive. DeHart says, "We thought those
first few weeks were the biggest challenge, but it was only the slow beginning
of a daily increasing need."
For Haiti With Love works in Cap Haitien, an already
overcrowded city now burgeoning with refugees from the quake zone. More
kids, rising prices and falling funding means they need help.
In spite of the starkness of their future, kids and
families are finding hope. DeHart says the Gospel is going forward. "We're using Proclaimers ; we've
had gifts of Creole New Testaments by the case. Everyone who comes is blessed by the Word of
God. Pray that the ears are open and that we have the resources, strength and
primarily wisdom."
You can help. Click here for details.