Nepal (MNN) — One brother was reading Scriptures about God shaking mountains and rolling rivers when tremors hit.
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Nepal (MNN) — One brother was reading Scriptures about God shaking mountains and rolling rivers when tremors hit.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Over 2,400 people were killed by the earthquake.
Morocco (MNN) — “Ultimately, those true seekers will respond.”
Morocco (MNN) — Government aid has been slow reaching the quake zones.
Turkiye (MNN) — Christians persisting with earthquake aid are making a difference.
Turkiye (MNN) — Quake recovery is opening Gospel conversations with Muslims.
Iran/Syria (MNN) — Transformation in the Middle East won’t happen through political powers alone.
Syria (MNN) — Your compassion and prayers are making a difference.
Turkiye (MNN) — Unto supporting Turkish Christians as Jesus’ hands and feet.
Turkiye (MNN) — FMI-supported church planters distribute critical quake relief.