United States (MNN) — Global Disciples is dedicated to making the Gospel message available to all people. The organization is doing so by supporting and equipping clusters of churches to multiply disciples. However, the ministry is also helping churches in the United States raise up the next generation with a heart for sharing God’s Word.
“Short-term missions are not a part of our Global Disciples approach because we work with the least reached people. Advocating for them, though, is essential. Remember that there’s two billion people around the planet that don’t know what the name of Jesus Christ is all about,” Global Disciples’ Jerry Meadows says.
“We’ve got to remember them somehow, so praying, giving, advocating continues to stir up in our own hearts and our own minds the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father for the lost.”
Personalized Options for Involvement
But in mobilizing people to the Church to respond, Global Disciples has decided to personalize ways individuals can get involved. One of these ways includes helping three different children’s ministries create content focusing on the least reached.
“We’re fueling them with Global Disciples stories…In fact, you can go to goglobal1day.org, some of the information is there or call my office, and we’ll help create anywhere from a five-minute children’s missions moment to an ongoing missions emphasis for your children’s ministry.” Meadows says.
(To learn more about goglobal1day.org, click here!)
Global Disciples would love to see this concept go further to raise an emphasis on missions for other age groups, too.
“I would love to see that. Even an online conversation that helps young adults or teenagers develop the heart of God for the least reached,” Meadows says.
Global Disciples is looking for church leaders who want or need resources to start these types of groups and forums.
“We have a number of resources and we’ve got incredible stories and projects that we could offer. We’re looking for local advocates to really make that happen in the Church setting,” Meadows says.
Want resources? Contact Global Disciples here!
Global Disciples Offered Matching Fund
However, Meadows says an exciting opportunity recently opened up for people to get involved, too.
“From this date until June 30 of 2019, there’s a matching fund on the table for Global Disciples. A group of business persons in the U.S. have generously contributed two-million dollars to a matching fund. So, any contribution made to Global Disciples of a thousand dollars or more is matched from now until June 30.”
Maybe giving a thousand dollars is not realistic. Fortunately, Global Disciples has some ideas to help think outside the box when it comes to giving.
“Put a small group together from your church or take an offering or do that 5K and raise finances, but give a thousand dollars or more towards reaching the least reached in the world, and it will be matched through June 30,” Meadows says.
Pray God would use these funds impact communities with His love. Learn more about Global Disciples, where to give, along with more ways to get involved at Mission-News-dot-org. Find your place in the story.
To give, click here!
Header photo courtesy of Global Disciples.