International (MNN) — Sharing the Gospel is something many believers struggle with. We know the Gospel, but there is something about the presentation that keeps us from shouting the Good News from the rooftops.
The Seed Company has created a unique program to help younger Christians become good storytellers in general, but especially as it pertains to God's Word.
"KidsDiscover: The Art of Bible Storytelling" is a free 10-week program through The Seed Company's OneVerse branch. As children go through the program, they watch videos that teach them stories from the Bible, as well provide wonderful examples of how to tell those stories.
Activities which include fun, games and downloadable worksheets are also part of the program. Children learn through storytelling, challenging questions, vocabulary builders, and more as they explore God's Word in a hands-on way.
As kids learn more about the Bible and more about storytelling, they will undoubtedly learn how to tell the Gospel story. This is an invaluable skill that they are certain to use later in life as they invite people into the kingdom of God.
"KidsDiscover: The Art of Bible Storytelling" can be used as part of a homeschooling curriculum or just for extra instruction for children. View sample stories, activities and videos here. Click here to get your kids started today.