Pakistan (MNN) — Monsoon rains have battered Pakistan with severe flooding and losses. More than 350 people have died since July 1, half of them children, according to the National Disaster Management Authority. Tens of thousands have been displaced.
Darrell Templeton with MegaVoice says it’s especially devastating because scars from the 2022 floods still exist.
“It seems always that it’s the poorest and the most vulnerable that are the most affected. It’s tragedies on tragedy, because many of the farmlands and the homes of [these] people were never rebuilt, never restored properly, and now they’re hit again — many of the same areas.”
In the midst of mass displacement, increasing requests for audio Bible players are coming to MegaVoice. One feature of these devices is a solar-powered flashlight.

Image of audio Bible unit courtesy of MegaVoice.
“This player becomes essential for once [the day becomes] dark, because electricity is out in the area. People are asking for them even more,” Templeton says.
“We would love to be able to provide for everyone that is requesting [players]. We just don’t have the funds to do so.”
Pray that overwhelmed believers in Pakistan will stand in faith. Consider partnering with MegaVoice to spread the spiritual light of the gospel as well as physical light to flood survivors.
“When the church can provide the needed help of a light, and [say] ’Hey, here’s some great Bible stories that you’ll enjoy, and some testimonies from other families that have gone through hardships like you are going through,’ and then they can provide blankets, clothing, food to these families as well,” Templeton says, “then it opens up the hearts and homes of these people that are so affected by the devastation, so that they can receive true hope in the midst of the despair.”
A gift of $35 covers one audio Bible that will reach one person into their community. Visit megavoiceinternational.org to learn more.
Header photo is from October 2023 and depicts standing water in the middle of a field in Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan. Courtesy of Nazim Hussein via Unsplash.