India (MNN) — Dozens of people have died after being crushed to death by collapsing homes, getting bitten by snakes, and drowning–all as a result of torrential rains in East India.
Sources agree that well over 2 million have been affected by flooding caused by unusually heavy monsoon rains. Some areas have now been cut off due to bridge collapses and severe flooding, forcing the Indian government to deliver aid by helicopter only.
Most of the flooding has been contained to the states of Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. But in recent days, conditions have been worsening in Jharkhand as well.
"Continuous rains for the last four days have really caused disruption in many of our ministry activities," attests Lee DeYoung with Words of Hope, whose headquarters are in Jharkhand.
"There have been 20 houses which have collapsed just in the city of Ranchi, where our programs are based, where the headquarters is located. Eight bridges in the state of Jharkhand have been washed away," says DeYoung.
Words of Hope has radio programs in six languages throughout South Asia, including a program in Hindi which broadcasts out of Ranchi. The programs' listeners have been severely affected by rains, as has the program staff. On Monday, the staff director was to fly to another part of India but was hindered by the rain, which caused flights to cancel.
So far, all Words of Hope staff are safe, and none have been injured. Pray for this fortune to continue.
Words of Hope will continue to try to proclaim the Gospel via radio, but DeYoung says this degree of flooding has disrupted communications. At a practical level, if people are displaced from their homes, they likely do not have access to radios to even hear the programs.
Pray that many would somehow be able to hear the programs and find solace in its messages.
DeYoung says, "We covet your prayers for the ministry to South Asia as it continues in that area where there has been much fruit, but also there are real strongholds of darkness which continue to need the prayers of God's people worldwide."