Philippines (MNN) – Storms in the Philippines caused flooding in several towns, but it could have been worse, Compassion International’s Edwin Estioko says.
A tropical storm in mid-July caused flooding to Visayas and Mindanao, affecting 374 children from Compassion.
The Philippines is a region prone to multiple typhoons, monsoons, and severe storms during their rainy season. Compassion’s photojournalist Estioko explains that this season is not as bad as it could have been.
“This number of families and homes affected aren’t really that many. We’ve had bigger typhoons before where thousands of families have been affected. The Philippines gets an average of 20 typhoons per year, not counting the monsoon rains,” Estioko says.
Donating Resources

(Compassion children waiting for relief packs. Photo courtesy of Compassion International)
The continuous flooding last month forced several families to evacuate to higher ground for a brief period of time.
Compassion provides food and supplies to the families affected by the flooding, including canned goods, rice, and milk, along with other relief supplies. This July, they provided resources to families during the evacuation and recovery after the flooding.
The flooding in both Visayas and Mindanao is gone now but the aftermath of the storm is still affecting the livelihood of Compassion families.
“Livelihood is a problem because their fathers are carpenters and fishers, so they can’t go to work. They work to eat that day,” Estioko says. He explains that the salary a family makes in a day usually provides food only for that day, which is why it is so important to provide resources and food after a disaster strikes.
Compassion Children in the Philippines
Though the flooding affects these children, they still have the knowledge of God’s Word to provide them hope. Once a child is registered in the Compassion Sponsorship Program, they are taught about God’s Word in church and in other discipleship classes.

(Photo courtesy of Compassion International)
Estioko says, “Their lives beginning when they are registered into the Compassion Sponsorship Program practically revolves around God’s Word… This gives them hope and this gives them a faith and strength to stand up whenever there are crises that might hit them.”
He explains that through partnerships with local churches and lessons about the Bible, the children are able to learn more about the Gospel.
If you want to help support these children and the Philippines, donate to Compassion’s disaster relief fund. Estioko explains that this fund helps provide resources when major disasters hit locations Compassion works in.
If you want to get involved, click here to donate. If you want to help any of the children in the Philippines, click here.
Compassion also asks for prayer. Please pray for these children and their families so that they may recover financially from the flooding. Pray that Compassion can continue to help children and their families in the Philippines and spread God’s Word.
Header photo courtesy of Compassion International.