Nigeria (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates has a vision and heart for Nigeria. But with more than 300 languages still needing Scriptures, their task of Bible translation is enormous. The small team of translators face the challenge while urgently needing more support.
Priority staff positions include a site volunteer coordinator who will support administrative volunteers. Also needed is a construction supervisor. This person would oversee
work on the new translation training department at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria. Finally, a computer support person would improve the effectiveness of the translation teams.
Elsewhere, a volunteer high school counselor, recruitment and development director, and computer tech support person are needed at Hillcrest School. This is local mission school where most of the translators' children attend. Wycliffe hopes to have these
necessary positions filled by the beginning of August for the new school year.
Whether or not these positions are filled will determine the financial burden upon the Bible translators. While Wycliffe would like to see their volunteers take the positions,
the urgency of the need is such that they are willing to work with the translation teams to help overcome financial barriers for anyone who will volunteer.
Wycliffe urges you to share this need with any teachers, administrators, or computer support people you know, or prayerfully consider the positions yourself.