USA (MNN) – The EveryCampus Leadership Summit is happening today in Atlanta, Georgia. The significance of this summit is its focus on the EveryCampus campaign.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Cru got the ball rolling for the EveryCampus campaign, which over 40 organizations have joined. Some of these groups include The Navigators, Chi Alpha, the CCO, and Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). The vision — a partnership between “churches, ministries, and individuals to establish a Christian witness on every US college and university campus,” says York Moore, National Director of Catalytic Partnerships for InterVarsity.
“This one year is a year of consecration of fasting and prayer. But we believe that we are in the early days of a new move of God. And we believe that for lots and lots of reasons, there’s unprecedented unity in the Body of Christ.”
Why EveryCampus
In the 80 years InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has done campus ministry, few organizations have had a significant, quantitative impact on US college campuses. Moore says he believes changing this is going to take the whole Church working together.
“This particular summit is our opportunity to allow churches, church networks, [and] denominations to come into the EveryCampus story, to find a place for them to join us in prayer walking the campuses of this country — which is the primary goal in 2019 — and then join us as we catalyze new Gospel movements across this country,” Moore says.
At today’s summit, 60 national ministry leaders will meet together and identify partnership opportunities to fulfill this vision. Per InterVarsity, more than half of the 4,949 colleges and universities within the US have no ministry presence on campus.
“These organizations have come together with this great idea of doing something together that we could never do apart, and that is really [to] combine forces, combine our names, our brands, our constituencies, [and] our energies to really reach these unreached campuses,” Moore says.
Watch the Livestream
The summit is available for live streaming tonight from 7 pm to 9 pm Eastern Time. Featured speakers and topics include:
Ravi Zacharias (RZIM): “Centrality of the University in Culture Making and Societal Renewal”
Jo Vitale (RZIM): “God is at Work on Campus”
York Moore (InterVarsity): “The Transformational Power of Unity and Prayer”
Crawford Loritts (Fellowship Bible Church): “Why the Next Generation Needs the Whole Church”
As individuals, folks can join the EveryCampus campaign with a commitment to prayer. At everycampus.com, you can find hand-tailored prayer guides for each of the 4, 949 campuses.
Moore encourages individuals to find a college or university near them and commit to prayer walking the campus.
“We’ve been doing [this] for 80 years. We’ve never seen so many students come to faith as we’re seeing during these days. So, despite what we think we know about the college campus and what we think about society moving away from God, this generation is really open to the Gospel,” Moore says.
Pray for open doors on college campuses. While students are receptive to the Gospel, some colleges are restricting access for Christian ministries. Ask God to raise up men and women specifically for college ministry expansion. And please pray for students to be willing to ask faith questions, and for the success of the EveryCampus campaign.
Learn more about EveryCampus here.
To watch the livestream of the EveryCampus Leadership Summit, click here.
Header photo courtesy of InterVarsity.