Uganda (MNN) — Prisons might be the least-expected place for evangelists to be raised up. But that is exactly what happened in Uganda.
Love Packages' Bible drive has been sending magazines and Bibles to a prison ministry in Uganda. Steve Schmidt of Love Packages recently received testimony from a distributor who works with the prison ministry. The distributor told of the great transformations that God is doing through the Bible drive.
"Some of these men have had such a radical change in their life that many of them had been released before their time–simply because they've had such a change. And now, they're out working in the Kampala, Uganda area and surrounding areas as evangelists," Schmidt explained.
It may be difficult in more fortunate countries to grasp the fact that in some places pastors and Christian colleges don't have a single Bible. The resources that Love Packages
receives go toward these places but also to places like the prison ministry.
Remembering that God has blessed Christians to be a blessing will help raise up more men like these inmates. Schmidt says, "We have an abundance in our country–more than we
could ever possibly use ourselves. And if we'll just put those items in third world countries, there are people all over the world who desperately need those things, who are hungry for those things, and we'll see their lives changed eternally if we'll do that."
Schmidt asks you to pray that "we'd come to a better understanding of the need" for Bibles and Christian literature around the