Sahel (MNN) — Faithful deliveries: sharing Christian literature in difficult places.
Sahel (MNN) — Faithful deliveries: sharing Christian literature in difficult places.
Kenya (MNN) — Bible distribution a huge success in Kenya
Philippines (MNN) — CRI is getting closer to making a deal with the Filipino authorities.
Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine refugees receive help from the Crisis Evangelism Fund.
Ghana (MNN) — Two-week trip to Ghana to have eternal impact
International (MNN) — Higher shipping prices could mean fewer people hear the Gospel
Nepal (MNN) — Christian Resources International has big plans for 2010: books, Bibles, and bucks
Hong Kong (MNN) — A Great Crate shipment touches more than just pastors in Hong Kong
Kenya (MNN) — Shipping container full of Christian literature must brave the territory of Somali pirates
Uganda (MNN) — Ministry receives testimony of fruits of Bible drive