Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe's once-prosperous economy is now faced with a hard currency shortage which is contributing hyperinflation and shortages in fuel and consumer goods.
Drought conditions across the entire region, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and the current government control over prices and their land reforms are being blamed for the situation.
Trans World Radio is targeting Zimbabwe for their new project called "The Entrepreneur." People who have been most-affected by the economic downfall and are
struggling to make ends meet will be the individuals chosen to participate. Others with raw talent will be chosen as well.
The project is an information-loaded educational project based on 32 half-hour programs that will air in June. The information covered touches many subjects that are key to starting a new faith-based business: start-up costs, finances, marketing, insurance, entrepreneurial tips, proposal writing, customer care and community responsibility, among other things.
Trans World Radio's hope is that as these leaders are trained and begin to grow, they will make a positive impact within their communities.
Their current goals and strategies for reaching out in Africa are to provide dramatized Scripture for the non-literate, to produce and air broadcasts about HIV/AIDS in several languages and to reach youth and women.