Chile (MNN) — Aftershocks and rain in southern Chile will
make the distribution of aid to quake survivors extremely challenging. The disaster affects more than two million
Looting and unrest have plagued the
hardest-hit areas, which has prompted a curfew and military presence.
Craig Dyer with
Bright Hope International says their Partnership
Developer, Mark Lennox, arrives tomorrow to help coordinate relief. Lennox has been in contact with other
Christian leaders in Chile, and together, they created an immediate response
plan to help the people in Concepcion through their local church networks.
Dyer explains, "We're empowering the local churches in
these communities to reach out to the other churches so that people's needs can
be met. Right now, it's primarily focused on food and safety. We've released
the funds to be able to purchase food, and that's being distributed through
the local churches. "
A second approach of their response goes through a contact
in the local church in Santiago. Bright
Hope is working with an owner of a grocery store chain near Concepcion. They
are still formulating the plan, but the store owner has agreed to purchase and
deliver needed supplies to churches in Concepcion.
Throughout the chaos, the quiet murmur of the hope of Christ
can be heard when believers offer a compassionate response. "To take the
time and say, 'Not only are we delivering this food to help you, but we want
you to know we care,' and then to stop and pray for that person for a moment: Those can be life-changing moments."
Continue praying for the Christians who are acting as the hands and
feet of Christ in Concepcion. Pray God's
blessing on Bright Hope's response. Pray
that this crisis creates opportunities to share the Gospel.
Recovery will take a long time. You can help. Click here.