Syria (JFP/MNN) — The United Nations says humanitarian needs have deepened as security conditions continue to deteriorate in Damascus, Rural Damascus, Dera'a, Aleppo, and other areas. There's also been a corresponding dramatic increase in Syrian refugees crossing to Jordan and Turkey.
The unrest in Syria is making a growing food shortage worse, and prices are beginning to skyrocket. People are having a hard time buying food, so they're leaving, adding to the numbers fleeing the violence.
The JESUS Film Project sent out an alert to supporters informing them of the critical needs and of the opportunities. They also partnered with the humanitarian arm of Campus Crusade for Christ International called Global Aid Network (GAiN), Josh McDowell Ministries, and churches in Lebanon and Jordan.
Lay workers and staff workers began concentrating aid on the border areas, in proximity to the largest concentration of refugees. There, Christians have been giving the people food, blankets, providing help with medical supplies and hospital costs…whatever aid they can provide. And they have been giving them DVDs of "JESUS," "Magdalena: Released From Shame," and other media tools donors provided.
Over the last three months, people have been watching the DVDs in the homes of their Lebanese or Jordanian hosts (who typically are also not believers). There, they see, hear, and understand the Gospel and begin to grasp why Christians love them.
There are reports of these non-Christians watching "JESUS" multiple times, and sharing the DVD with others. When the fighting is over, JFP teams pray that these refugees will return home safely, having been transformed by the power of God.
The JESUS Film Project asked the Director of Humanitarian Assistance in the region for his thoughts:
"Tell the friends of the film ‘JESUS' — thank you! In spite of death and the horrendous things we are seeing and hearing, God is at work. He is loving people who have never had a chance to hear His name before. Now we can reach them and love them.
"In Matthew 24, Jesus said that there would be wars, rumors of war, earthquakes and famines…but then He said, ‘And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.'
"It's beautiful to me how people around the world and in the U.S. are giving so we can love these people during their most desperate hour, during this war. Tell the friends of the film ‘JESUS' that they are helping to change lives now and for eternity. This is the way the Kingdom is supposed to work. Thank you every one!"
If you would like to help, DVDs are still needed. You can also keep praying for Gospel opportunities. Check our Featured Links Section for details.