Ecuador (MNN) — Redemption comes full circle in Ecuador.
Ecuador (MNN) — Redemption comes full circle in Ecuador.
International (MNN) — The Jesus Film Project shares some thoughts about priorities, boundaries and the difference between people-pleasing and God-pleasing.
USA (MNN) — A desperate mother’s plans take a different turn when she encounters compassion.
Middle East (MNN) — Refugee crisis illustrated by refugee’s dream, a flower, and a snake
USA (MNN) — Get outreach materials to give to an immigrant you know
Kenya (MNN) — It’s been just over a year since the Garissa University College massacre.
International (MNN) — JESUS film continues to reach the utmost ends of the earth.
Nigeria (MNN) — JESUS Film Project reaches a village known for human sacrifice.
International (MNN) — The JESUS Film Project is offering three short-term mission trips this March! And you could be a part of one!
Int’l (MNN) — An effective method of sharing the Gospel is an ancient one.