India (MNN) — Finding clean water is a daily challenge for India’s rural population.

(Photo courtesy: India Partners)
Water even became an issue of foreign policy for India last week. Prime Minister Modi is considering changes to India’s water supply to neighboring Pakistan.
The battle for clean water is finally over for two remote villages, thanks to India Partners and their in-country cohort.
“Water was reached because a (local) politician was reached, who stepped forward to provide the water,” shares India Partners’ Donna Glass. “…and the people are crediting God for bringing the water, finally, to their village.”
Fixing India’s clean water crisis
Through indigenous partner ministries, India Partners works to provide clean, safe water for remote villages. According to the ministry, 128 million people in the country lack access to safe water.
India Partners aims to alleviate this need by digging wells in remote villages. Not only does this provide safe drinking water, the well’s central location in a village eliminates time-consuming walks.
In one village, “water is so scarce that they are walking up to two kilometers (1.2 miles) for fresh water,” Glass says. “[Villagers] are not able to go to work because they’re having to get water.”

(Photo credit: India Partners)
Earlier this year, the Associated Press reported that India holds the most people without access to clean water.
Approximately five percent of India’s 1.25 billion people lack clean water — that’s over a tenth of the world’s 650 million people without clean water access.
Sanitation is another key concern. According to World Bank, approximately 21 percent of all communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe drinking water.
India Partners addresses both needs in their Safe Water program. While the wells provide clean water, India Partners’ community health and hygiene trainings teach villagers about hand washing, basic hygienic practices, the importance of washing their food, etc.
Glass says it’s important “not just to have water, but to know that you’re keeping it clean and safe.”
More importantly, the trainings are an opportunity to present the Gospel. “All of the lessons taught [are] taught in reference to the Bible,” Glass explains.
While it opens doors for God’s Word, bringing clean water to a remote village isn’t always easy, or simple. But, sometimes God works in mysterious ways.
A well incites change
On a recent installation, teams tried and failed three times to dig a well for a remote village.
“It was so heartbreaking,” notes Glass. “But here was God working, even though it seemed like the enemy was present in this village, preventing this work from being done. God was still there, and placed a burden on this politician’s heart.”
The politician was a local authority who had promised to bring clean water to the village on several occasions. However, at each turn, he failed to deliver on his promises.

(Photo courtesy India Partners)
“The politician saw that these Christians were coming in and trying to do something that he should’ve been doing all along,” Glass explains. “To further his own career, he stepped up [and is providing clean water for the village].”
It’s yet another example of how God can use anyone to accomplish His will. What about you?
“$53 provides water for a family [and] financial help is always a great blessing for the people in India. Knowing that people across the world care enough to give of their own resources to change their lives for all time.”