Indonesia (MNN) — As Christians are bracing for increasing persecution against them by the majority religions around the world, the door is open, for the time being, in the largest Muslim nation of the world: Indonesia.
President of HCJB Global Wayne Pederson tells MNN that the ministry is partnering with Christians on the ground to plant community radio stations. "We've worked with a local church planter there. We put in 50 radio stations. He has planted 1,600 churches in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world."
Pederson says these aren't huge mega churches. "These are house churches of 30-35 people. But the fact is, as a result of this partnership, we have 1,600 groups of believers throughout Indonesia gathering and worshiping Christ and reaching out to others who need to know Christ."
Indonesia has been known for Muslim/Christian conflict over the years. Pederson says many Muslims within the country would like to implement Sharia law, which would make overt Christian radio almost impossible.
That's why HCJB has helped start community radio stations. "We talk about health and nutrition and how to have a better marriage; and we talk about culture, news and agriculture. So, the stations are well received in their community."
These stations also talk about Jesus, who is well received in the Muslim culture. "We're finding the Muslims are listening. Muslim clerics are listening. There's a whole movement inside Islam that people are following Jesus as the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and presenting Jesus in the mosques even as the way to salvation."
Pederson is reminded of John chapter 3: Where the Spirit or the wind of the Spirit blows, you don't know where it's going, but you can't stop it.
There's still one nagging question that remains, says Pederson. "How long will the enemies of the Gospel allow this to go on? We don't know. There is concern by our partners in Indonesia, Wycliffe and others, that the door may be closing. [That's] all the more reason to be more aggressive in planting radio stations today."
HCJB Global can put a radio station on the air for about $30,000. Your support is needed to help them take advantage of doors that are open now but may be closed in the months ahead. If you'd like to support a station, click here.