Indonesia (MNN)–Islam in parts of Indonesia is complex. In some areas, Muslims are extremely resistant to Christianity, believing that their land is holy and that Christians who live there pollute it.
Partners International’s leader there, we’ll call him ‘Mark’, says a strategic partnership poises the Gospel at the gateway of Aceh, Indonesia. This, despite the fact that such an affiliation with Christianity often results in overt hostility.
They’ve helped construct and develop the Dairi Christian Fellowship’s radio ministry. Mark says their radio station provides key support. “Without constant encouragement, without some sort of pastoral care, the health of the church would really be devastated because of the Muslim majority around them. That’s one of the functions that radio can fulfill. It’s able to provide ongoing encouragement and teaching to build up the church in this region.”
The radio stations have a listening base of 50,000 and the sale of advertising covers operational costs. There are 18 broadcasters and 4 staff. Programs include family subjects and spiritual programs, some of which is provided by other Indonesian ministries.
Mark says radio is a tremendous opportunity to build up Christian witness in Aceh. “Christians are infectious people when they love the Lord and by teaching them through the radio, and discipling them and encouraging them, they’re going to be able to continue reach out to their neighbors and they touch people that we never would come into contact with.”
By training families of Christian background and forming house churches, DCF can further their scope. As they grow, others respond to Christ and more churches are formed.
DCF holds regular prayer meetings, distributes Bibles and Christian literature, and trains workers through the ministry’s Bible school.