Burma (MNN) — "Burma is developing weapons of mass destruction." Those are the words of President of Vision Beyond Borders Patrick Klein, who recently returned home from Burma, burdened even more for the people who are ruled by a military junta.
He asked his contact who would be the target, to which he responded: "Democracies around the world, especially the United States. There have been a lot of hostilities between Burma and Thailand, so Thailand could also be a target."
This information was confirmed by Major Sai Thein Win, who provided Norway-based broadcaster Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) with files and photographs describing experiments with uranium. A former UN inspector said the evidence suggested Burma was seeking to build weapons rather than power plants. But experts said the ruling junta was a long way from succeeding.
However, efforts to expand Burma's arsenal is growing. Klein says recently a ship was headed from North Korea to Burma loaded with conventional weapons. "One of our warships followed that ship, and it turned around and went back to North Korea," says Klein. "Then a couple of months later, there was an airplane that was flying through Bangkok, and they found it was loaded with arms as well; they believe it was heading for Burma."
Klein asked his contact who would be the target, to which he responded: "Democracies around the world, especially the United States. There have been a lot of hostilities between Burma and Thailand, so Thailand could also be a target."
"It seems like the Burmese government is getting ready for a huge offensive action against a lot of people," he says.
Klein believes he knows the target. "From what my contacts are saying from inside, they're now trying to get rid of anybody who is opposed to the government. Everybody wants freedom. They want it to open up. They do not like this government, but they feel hopeless."
Yesterday, we told you about the thousands of tribal people who have been forced out of Burma or killed. Klein says it's nothing short of genocide. The question is: Why won't the United Nations do something about it? Klein says, "The reason the UN Security Council won't do anything is because China and Russia are backing the military government."
Klein says there could be a "huge genocide before the election in October. They're going to slaughter a whole bunch more people. They've been killing the Karen, and more and more of the tribals are being killed now. I'm just concerned that there are going to be millions of people slaughtered — is the world going to ignore and act like it's not our problem?"
While the world ignores what's going on, Vision Beyond Borders isn't. Klein says, "People have lost all confidence in their government. Even people are turning away from Buddhism. They're looking for hope. They're turning to Jesus Christ. There are some Bibles getting into the country, and there is a tremendous need for more Scriptures because people are open to the Gospel now."
Klein says they've had a request from an evangelist in Burma for 20,000 New Testaments. Your financial support will help with this project. Go to http://www.vbbonline.org and select "Donate."
Tomorrow in Part 3 of our series, we'll tell you about the atrocities facing women and children in Burma.