Israel (MNN) — Mainstream media says you have to choose sides in the Middle East. But there’s another option.
Israel (MNN) — Mainstream media says you have to choose sides in the Middle East. But there’s another option.
Gaza (MNN) — Toothless arrest warrants sought by the International Criminal Court cause problems for Israel abroad.
Sudan (MNN) — Nearly seven million Sudanese have been uprooted in the country, and two million crossed into neighboring countries.
Iraq (MNN) — A Gospel worker recently saw a Yazidi woman enter her class with sorrow etched on every feature.
Iraq (MNN) — Numerous Yazidis have encountered the Gospel since being driven from their homeland by the Islamic State in 2014.
Sudan (MNN) — The situation in Sudan is not improving. Yet hope remains.
Sudan (MNN) — More than 7.5 million people are on the run after nine months of war in Sudan.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s current events make it difficult to believe that evil will not win. Yet, hope remains.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s genocide accounts are horrific. Yet hope remains.
Sudan (MNN) — Gospel workers are coming to the rescue.