United Kingdom (MNN) — Despite its long religious history and grandiose church buildings, there is barely a trace of the United Kingdom’s spiritual fervor of the past.
In the continent that birthed the Reformation, church attendance is rapidly declining. Many teens and adults feel a sense of hopelessness and are turning to drugs, sex, and false religions.
“Just because we have, in a place like England, a church that has been around hundreds of years since the Reformation, and just because these churches are on many streets in England, most of the churches in the state church [are] not teaching the Word of God; they’re not exposing people to the Word of God in a way that brings life,” says Carl Moeller with Biblica.
That’s where Biblica comes in. This ministry works to develop versions of God’s Word that, while maintaining Scriptural integrity, resonate with different people groups. Biblica was especially able to make an impact during Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee ceremony in 2012 recognizing the queen’s 60th year on the throne.
“Biblica was able to produce the official New Testament of the Queen’s Jubilee, complete with the Union Jack colors and the commemorative language on the cover, ” Moeller says. “This Bible really was used throughout all of the celebrations and all of the ceremonies that official Christian England was participating in to celebrate the [60-year] reign of their Monarch, Queen Elizabeth.
“It was very exciting for Biblica. Literally millions of these Bibles were distributed on the streets and in the churches and in the public places during the Queen’s Jubilee multi-month celebration.”
And they’re bearing fruit. Moeller says as people actually read and connect with God’s Word, they truly experience what it means to be a Christian.
“When people pick up the Word of God–actually open the Word of God, and they read in those pages, something is qualitatively different in their experience with Christianity. This is no longer a religion: this is the relationship God has longed to have with people.”
In order to help foster continued spiritual growth, Biblica uses its Community Bible Experience campaign. It’s designed to motivate believers to engage in consistent Scripture reading but also develop a personal connection with God’s Word.
“Community Bible Experience is an opportunity for people to read together, in the church and in homes, large portions of Scriptures,” Moeller says. “We use a version of the Bible that we’ve reformatted to take out the chapter and verse markings that sometimes keep us from reading the Bible really as Paul and other authors of the New Testament wrote it. They wrote it as a letter.
“In the UK we partner with a number of local congregations to do Community Bible Experience and to distribute the Scriptures. These partners are the ones that are motivated and mobilized to reach out into their neighborhoods, their communities, and to the people they minister to every day. We at Biblica really strive to just come alongside them in their work to give them a more effective, more transformative Bible strategy.”
Interested in how you can help Biblica continue bringing God’s truth to the UK? One way you can help is through prayer. Moeller asks that you pray for a spiritual revival in Europe.
You can also help financially. Click here to support Biblica’s Europe ministry.
God bless you Biblica!
I’m so glad to hear of this outreach to reclaim the hearts of the English people
thank you so much.