Int’l (MNN) — Biblica hopes to train 50,000 pastors this year
Int’l (MNN) — Biblica hopes to train 50,000 pastors this year
United Kingdom (MNN) — Biblica works to bring spiritual revival to the UK.
Scotland (MNN) — New passion for God’s Word in Scotland.
India (MNN) — India follows China’s example on persecution issues.
USA (MNN) — Former head of persecuted church ministry named to lead a 200-year-old Bible ministry.
Kenya (MNN) — Churches suffer retaliatory attacks by Muslim rioters
Nigeria (MNN) — Church dodges near bombing; Open Doors uplifting persecuted Christians
USA (MNN) — Florida church refuses to back down from Quran burning
Iran (MNN) — Iran accuses Christians of a cultural invasion