International (MNN) — Pastor Costa in Mozambique noticed the young boy attending his church for the past month. But today was different.
The boy approached Pastor Costa, his eyes wet with tears. Pastor Costa asked the boy what was wrong.

(Photo courtesy of Audio Scripture Ministries)
Joshua Harrison with Audio Scripture Ministries tells the rest of the story: “The young boy replied, ‘I stole someone’s audio Bible two months ago because I thought it was a cell phone. I started to listen to the words from it every day before going to bed at night. Some days, I felt like the words were talking just to me and I was afraid. That’s why I decided to come to the church. Please pray for me, Pastor.’”
ASM and their ministry partners like Pastor Costa hear stories like this all the time — stories that show how God’s Word in audio is having a profound impact.
“It was beautiful to see how God’s Word is at work even when people don’t necessarily know it!”
For ASM’s Christmas theme this year, they chose Isaiah 61:1-2a:
“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor….”

(Image courtesy of Audio Scripture Ministries)
This passage of Scripture illustrates exactly why ASM is passionate about making sure everyone gets a chance to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Harrison explains, “We’re reaching out to so many people who are poor, who are brokenhearted, and they recognize their need for the Gospel — whether that’s a young family in Mozambique with someone who is terminally ill and we’re praying with them and connecting them to God’s Word in their own language for the first time, or someone who is in Mexico or India or Malaysia!”
Through financial partners, prayer supporters, and distribution partners this past year, ASM distributed audio Bibles in 170 languages to over 56 countries.
Recording and distributing audio Bibles is far from easy. ASM’s ministry partners face technical difficulties, theft, social opposition, and more. “But the Gospel work is worth it.”
One man was so encouraged by his audio Bible, he rode his bike over 50 kilometers just to meet the men distributing audio Bibles!
Currently, ASM is in desperate need for more audio Bible funding.
“In Mozambique, we are completely out right now. We are praying that in 2019, we could reach so many more who are still waiting, still in darkness, still unable to hear God’s Word in their own heart language.”

(Photo courtesy of Audio Scripture Ministries)
Harrison asks, “Would you pray that God would move in many hearts, that together we could respond to this need and help connect more people? I would also ask, would you pray for Pastor Costa and the many local leaders who are sharing God’s Word in audio with those around them so that more people can grow in the Lord by meditating on His Word?”
One audio Bible costs just $35 to get into the hands of an individual or family waiting for God’s Word in their heart language.
“We are just so grateful to be a part of it and we’re grateful that you can be part of it through these trusted local partners that we can place audio Bibles where they are most needed.”
Header photo courtesy of Audio Scripture Ministries.