Kenya (MNN) — Kenya is in a world of hurt. “They look at having no food to feed their families [and] no money to pay school fees or buy the things they need,” Joy Mueller of Kenya Hope says.
“For the third year in a row, these poor people are just devastated.”
First, the pandemic locked everything down, so rural Kenyans couldn’t buy supplies or sell their livestock at the market. “And then right on the heels of the pandemic, they got hit with a severe drought,” Mueller says.
“All the water sources dried up; pasture land was gone, animals were dying. For the people here, their animals are their bank accounts.”
2022 seemed to be the start of something better. “In February, they got some beautiful rains, and hope sprung again. Then, they got hit with this African armyworm,” Mueller says.
“They’re called armyworms because they march across the field eating every green thing in their path.”
Kenya Hope partners with local churches to help believers weather the storm and make Christ known. Connect with Kenya Hope here to send emergency food aid. Most importantly, pray. Pray believers will stand firmly rooted in the goodness of God.
“The believers here bring me to tears and humble me so much,” Mueller says.
“Despite all the [tragedies] that have been happening, they keep saying, ‘God is good all the time. All the time, God is good. This is really bad, but God’s going to provide.’”
Header image is a screenshot captured from this video of the armyworms.