Middle East (MNN) — As the "Arab Spring" continues to leave its mark on the history of the Middle East and North Africa, SAT 7 is continually challenged to be a steadfast reminder to their viewers that a renewed country begins with clear, renewed minds. And a renewed mind requires surrender to God.
Nothing on earth can compare to the creativity or capability of the human mind–God's amazing creation–with its awesome responsibility to control our feelings, thoughts, words, attitudes and behaviors. It is unlikely that the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa will take place until minds and hearts are aligned with God's Word and open to alternative ideas about life and liberty. It is only with such clear thinking–enabled by the Holy Spirit and focused on the Lord–that God will grant the people of the Middle East and North Africa a changed perspective.
SAT-7's unique array of programs helps viewers to search their hearts and view their situation as it really is. The programming helps them distinguish, not just between right and wrong, but also between what is good and what is best–to think rightly, even in the midst of their difficulties and challenges.
However, in order for viewers to understand that message, they first need access to the programming. That requires an investment. While you may be half a world away from the Middle East, you can play a significant role in seeing Christ revealed to this part of the world. $300 pays for a half hour program.
Each day, please continue to pray for SAT 7 viewers in the Middle East and for all of those who can influence them for Christ. May they be enlightened by the love of the Holy Spirit, who will transform their lives, empower them to be "salt and light" in oppressive societies, and in God's providence, even change their cultures.