Tunisia (MNN) — Tunisia has a rich Christian history, yet believers make up less than one percent of the population.
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Tunisia (MNN) — Tunisia has a rich Christian history, yet believers make up less than one percent of the population.
MENA (MNN) — Ministry in the Middle East and North Africa has changed over 25 years.
Syria (MNN) — Will the protests lead to any change?
Egypt (MNN) — Last week marked the 12th anniversary of Egypt’s Arab Spring revolution.
Tunisia (MNN) — Hope dims following human rights violation and power grabs.
Egypt (MNN) — Abel, an active evangelist, attracted the wrong kind of attention when Muslims turned to Christ.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — As discontent rumbles, some question the likelihood of a second Arab Spring.
Egypt (MNN) — Revolution: then and now.
Iraq (MNN) — If getting a government ‘do-over’ won’t fix the mess in Iraq, what will?
Algeria (MNN) — Persecution watchdog requests prayer amid ongoing protests