Egypt (MNN) — This week in history, ten years ago, anti-government protests were sweeping through the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab Spring was gaining traction. By March 3, 2011, rumblings of revolt could be heard in the streets of Syria. Unhappy citizens overturned two dictators in Tunisia and Egypt. See our coverage here.
Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle was in Cairo during the height of Arab Spring protests.
“There was power; there was strength in Tahrir Square. It was the most significant crowd I’ve ever seen in my life, and there was absolutely no way that the government of Egypt was going to stop that election,” Doyle describes.
Today, there’s a spiritual insurgence underway in Egypt and beyond.
“When we look at the progress of Bible translations, the Gospel being preached to unreached people groups, we just have to conclude that Jesus is standing at the door ready to come back,” Doyle says.
“This is the last stand for the Gospel: the Muslim world.”
Spiritual dissatisfaction is due, at least in part, to Arab Spring disappointment. “The Arab Spring didn’t work. It backfired,” Doyle says. Frustrated by the failures of Islamic governments and disillusioned by extremists, Muslims want a substantial source of hope.
Contact the Uncharted team to learn how you can share Jesus with a Muslim neighbor or coworker.
“It’s an ‘all hands on deck’ [call] for believers to reach out to Muslims right now. When we start to pray, we start to get a heart [for Muslims] and then a little bit of training, and you’re ready to go,” Doyle says.
Describing Uncharted’s training seminars, he adds, “It’s just a little bit of training that will help people feel a little more confident and ready to take Jesus into the Muslim world.”
Pray that Muslims seeking truth will meet Christ through dreams and visions and ask the Lord to encourage His persecuted followers in Egypt. Find more ways to pray for Egypt here.
Header image depicts protestors in Cairo on February 18, 2011. (Wikimedia Commons)