USA (MNN) — Jesus told us in His Word, "If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you" (John 15:18). That's the story of Jesus: "He Lived Among Us" — a production of the Voice of the Martyrs. It's the story of Christ from the perspective of the last of the 12 original disciples, John.
While the 90-minute animated film has been out over a year, VOM currently has a goal, says Todd Nettleton. "We have a program going on right now where we're offering the film to every church in America. We want to send you a DVD. It actually has both English and Spanish on the DVD. And it's a tool."
The goal isn't to get the church to buy more copies, Nettleton says. "We are working to make it so churches can duplicate it, they can make copies of it, they can use it in their evangelism program, they can use it in their Sunday school."
While the DVD is already produced in English and Spanish, according to Nettleton, "We are translating it into the languages of restricted nations. We already have it in Spanish for countries like Colombia. We have just completed Arabic and Farsi and Chinese, which will include the entire Middle East as well as Iran and China."
VOM is currently working on Russian, Bengali, and Turkish.
The story is an encouragement to believers from a persecuted church perspective. "Even when Jesus was around, it was dangerous to follow Him. You were an enemy of the authorities if you were a follower of Christ. That message really rings true with Christians in restricted nations, but it's also a powerful tool for Christians in the United States, as well."
If you'd like to get a copy for your church or ministry, go to FreeJesusMovie.com.