USA (IBS) — Shoppers
at Family Christian stores don't just buy inspirational resources for
themselves: this fall they're sharing the hope of God's Word with thousands of
U.S. military personnel and their families.
Biblica and Family Christian have joined forces to serve the
spiritual needs of American service members through the Frontline & Homefront Bible Campaign.
Customers at each of Family Christian's 273 stores and also at are invited to donate Bibles to service members and their
families. A $5 gift provides an NIV® Military Bible to a soldier or an NIV®
Finding Hope Beyond the Battle Bible to a military family. Many customers have
given $10 to provide Bibles for both a service member and his or her family.
Along with the Bible, the recipient gets a special personalized bookmark that
includes many Bible verses that can help them in their time of need.
So far, Family Christian customers have provided more than 60,000
Bibles for U.S. military personnel and their families, with more being given
every day. The campaign, which began Labor Day weekend, will run through the
Christmas season. Donations that come in prior to November 1 will aid in
supplying Bibles to Chaplains from all branches of the U.S. military for
distribution in time for Christmas.
"Family Christian's offer to partner with Biblica's military
ministry came at a crucial time," says Mark Rader, retired Air Force
officer and National Director of Military Ministry for Biblica.
"Significant military funding cuts make these donated Bibles even more
important to our efforts to reach military men and women and their families
with God's Word."
Biblica has ministered to U.S. military personnel in harm's way
for two centuries, going back to the War of 1812. As service members put their
lives on the line–and as families back home pray for their safe return, the
hope offered by Scripture becomes more important than ever.
"At Family Christian, we are blessed by the selfless men and
women who serve our country and the families who endure their sacrifice,"
said Cliff Bartow, President and CEO of Family Christian. "To help
mobilize our generous customers in providing God's life-changing Word to these
heroes in their time of need is nothing short of amazing. We are honored and
thankful to be partners with Biblica, and we give God all the glory for the
impact that will be made through this Bible campaign."
Pray that the efforts of Biblica are rewarded with many coming to
Christ. Pray that the Christians serving overseas will be an example of Christ
to those they serve with.
To learn more about the Frontline & Homefront Bible Campaign, click here to visit the Family Christian Web site.