International (MNN) — Jesus rose from the dead and promises to return and free the whole creation from death and decay. All people need to hear this news.
The Alliance
The Alliance of the Unreached launched a campaign last year called A Third of Us.
Many people marked themselves with three lines, one set apart from the other two. It symbolized roughly one-third of the human population that has no access to knowledge about Jesus and His reign over all things. York Aspacher serves with Operation Mobilization and the Alliance for the Unreached. He says the campaign was designed to raise awareness about the unreached.
But now, what can people do? Aspacher says, “That answer is going to be different for each person. But there are lots of organizations, and even your local church maybe, involved in doing something specific to address this question, to address this need for people to come in contact with the Gospel.”
Check out the Alliance
The Alliance for the Unreached is made up of many different organizations, each interacting with the unreached in different ways. See a full list here.
Aspacher says, “Check them out, find out what they do. Find out how your skills, abilities, and passions (what God’s put on your heart, how God has wired you, or built experiences into your life) could prepare you to be part of what one of those organizations is doing.”
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you research.
Header photo courtesy of A Third of Us on Facebook.