Ethiopia (MNN) — 500 Christians have been killed in Ethiopia since June, according to reports from the Barnabas Fund. Islamic extremists have been moving from door to door, seeking out Christian families to kill.
Christian homes and businesses have also been vandalized or destroyed. Local police have often stood by during the violence.
Greg Kelley of World Mission says Ethiopia has a rich and ancient Christian history that goes back to the story recorded in Acts about the Ethiopian eunuch. “We’re talking about centuries and centuries where the Church has been established there. But it’s interesting. [Ethiopia is] also one of the first countries in Africa that really embraced Islam. So, you’ve always had that tenuous balance.”

An audio Bible from World Mission. (Photo courtesy of World mission on Facebook)
As bad as the situation has gotten in Ethiopia, Kelley says it could get worse. “The thing that’s so disturbing is the manner in which it’s done. They’re comparing it to the lead up of the genocide in Rwanda, which, of course, was atrocious. A million people were killed in a 90-day window. The thing is, they were killed by machetes and spears. And those are the exact stories that are coming out of Ethiopia right now.”
Three people groups to pray for
Christ sent his disciples to tell of His death and resurrection to people groups all around the world, and only that good news can change hearts in Sudan.
Kelley asks Christians to pray for specific people groups in Ethiopia. “We need to pray for the Afar. We need to pray for the Somali, and we need to pray for the Oromo. [These] are three of the majority, Muslim people groups that are, in many instances, less than 1%. Christian.”
Among these three people groups, World Mission has had great success distributing solar-powered audio Bibles. In fact, Kelley reports almost 500 people have begun following Christ from these people groups over the last 6 months.
Pray these three people groups will hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and pray the violence against Christians would end.
The header image shows the flag of Ethiopia. (Image by Kaufdex from Pixabay)