Cambodia (MNN) — In the Western world, $25 really can't buy much even at the grocery store. A gift of $25 might be helpful, but not life-changing.
In Cambodia, however, $25 can be the difference between poverty and comfort, life and death.
The World Hope International Adelphe program offers business training and microloans for women in several third world nations. The ministry recently reported two particular success stories within the program.
Sokheang is a young mother of two daughters. Before she connected with Adelphe, she was struggling to support her children. After attending a series of Adelphe business courses, however, she was approved for a $25 microloan.
The loan was enough for Sokheang to open a stand to sell goods. Within three months, she was able to repay her loan and take out a larger one to expand her business. Now, Sokheang is making enough income to pay her living expenses, send her girls to school, and save for future needs.
Most exciting of all, Sokheang has become a follower of Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, in the Kampong Trabek district of Cambodia's Prey Veng province, Thim Thy was struggling to take care of her five children. She had created a baking business but wasn't generating enough money to provide for her family.
Thy discovered CREDIT, a Cambodian microfinance institution of which World Hope is a minority shareholder. Thy was granted a $125 loan, which she used to purchase necessary equipment and ingredients to expand her bakery business. Clientele and profits quickly grew, and she was soon able to hire some of her neighbors. Thy can now provide meals daily for her children and has felt the love of Jesus Christ.
The Adelphe program is helping transform women across the globe by giving them dignity in a self-sustaining business and new life in Jesus Christ. You can be a part of this life-changing program. Visit worldhope.org, go to "Our Work" and find "Adelphe" to learn more.