Ghana (MNN) — One hospital in Ghana hopes to heal its patients with more than splints and surgeries as it introduces a new chaplain to its staff.
"We're trying to promote not only the physical healing that occurs there, but [also] spiritual healing," says missionary Cameron Gongwer with The Mission Society. "And the church, for the first time, has appointed somebody as a pastor from the national church level to come and serve in one of their own health institutions."
The Ankaase Methodist Faith Healing Hospital was built in 1990, and Gongwer was its first doctor. The hospital now has four doctors, three physician's assistants, about 130 other staff members, and about 200 patients on a daily basis. The new chaplain is able to offer hope to all of these people involved with the hospital as he conducts daily devotions, both for patients and the staff.
The chaplain's job stretches to a more personal level as he prays for each patient individually. "Every morning we have what we call ‘prayer rounds,' where the chaplain and his team of part-time ministers go around and pray for every patient in the wards and minister to them," says Gongwer. So far the results have been positive.
"Patients are just so thankful to come to Ankaase. Many of them believe that God is there and that He will bring their healing there. So they tell their friends and people to come to Ankaase because of the care that they get. You just see how people are reassured and given hope that they will be taken care of."
While the hospital continues to flourish in physical and spiritual healing, it has not been fortunate enough to avoid the effects of the current economic downturn. Gongwer notes that many Ghanaians cannot afford even to pay the National Health Insurance costs, which boil down to only about 22 dollars a year. Funds remain an issue in which full dependence on the Lord is imperative.
Gongwer asks you to pray for wisdom, compassion, unity and cooperation among the staff. Ultimately, Gongwer says, "[We need to pray for] the 65 or 70 people that are on the wards every day and assess how we can minister the good news of Jesus to them."
If you would like to help support the Ankaase Methodist Faith Healing Hospital financially, click here. To support Cameron Gongwer and his family on the mission field, click here.