Malawi (MNN) — A new partner is spreading God’s Word in some of the darkest places of Malawi: their prisons.
Malawi (MNN) — A new partner is spreading God’s Word in some of the darkest places of Malawi: their prisons.
Guatemala (MNN) — God opened a Gospel door in an unlikely place at an unlikely time.
Ukraine (MNN) — As the situation in Ukraine gets worse, believers respond
Brazil (MNN) — Athletes in Action sharing Christ with Olympians and families
Australia (MNN) — An Australian ex-biker finds Jesus in prison.
USA (FCBH/MNN) — Military BibleStick requests skyrocket leading up to the 4th of July
USA (MNN) — Don’t pray in Jesus’ name, says police department in USA
India (MNN) — Hindu village in need of New Testaments gets help from Chaplain of a retired community
USA (MNN) — Military BibleStick Project will reach out around the country this Veterans Day
Ghana (MNN) — Chaplain restores spiritual healing to hospital