Indonesia (MNN) — Pigs can change the future of an entire community. That's why Far East Broadcasting Company is showing God's love by lending pigs to villages.
By loaning them a male and female pig, the village can have a litter of piglets. FEBC just asks that the residents give them back a male and female piglet to give to another
needy village.
One pastor who listens to the YASKI broadcast wrote to FEBC explaining the conditions that his village was living in. Heartline Center, where YASKI is located, responded by sending him money for chickens and pigs. "Now, 2 years later, we live only from the results of raising chickens and pigs, and we have even been able to send our children to school and buy clothes and other necessities," said the pastor.
This project not only helps get food on the table of struggling families, but it also teaches the villagers how to raise pigs. Besides producing food and income, it also produces a sense of self-sufficiency among the people.
To donate to FEBC-Indonesia and the Heartline Center, click here.