(MNN) — Partners International's church planter among the Lampung recently
hosted a follow-up gathering for ministry contacts in a rural part of Indonesia.
During a time of sharing, one recently baptized new believer,
named Dian, shared his newfound faith with his fellow villagers. His testimony encouraged others to consider
making a commitment to follow Jesus.
Pray for him, as it's clear he has a great evangelistic desire for his
Partners International seeks to train and disciple more like
him. Cahaya Suku, or "Light to the
Peoples" is a team that recruits, trains, nurtures, and sends out teams of
church planters to minister among unreached Muslim people groups in Indonesia.
Cahaya Suku church planters
work with many different ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Teams of workers prepare for months to live and minister in people
groups that are often hostile to the Gospel.
Each team consists of four or five families who are trained
to communicate the Gospel within the cultural worldview of the specific group
to which they are sent. Today, according
to Partners International, Cahaya Suku is one of the largest Indonesian
church-planting initiatives reaching unreached Muslims in Indonesia.
As recently as 2004, Cahaya Suku expanded its outreach to Malaysia,
despite the risks, considering the country's strict laws against conversion. Continue to pray for good adjustments
for the teams, and for acceptance from the villagers. Pray for many
to see their need for Christ.