Story number 2 for 5 Dec 2001

By December 5, 2001

(Indonesia)–Meanwhile, thousands of Christians are in fear for their lives in Indonesia as radical Islamic warriors continue their reign of terror on Sulawesi Island. Voice of the Martyrs’ Gary Lane. “Our concern right now is that the world’s attention is focused on Afghanistan and the atrocities of the Taliban, but we’re pretty much ignoring what is happening in Indonesia. Christians are being slaughtered there. We’re seeing churches burned, homes burned. We understand there’s about 50,000 of them at risk of being surrounded by radical Islamic Jihad warriors.” Jeff Hammond is in Indonesia and says the Jihad terrorists plan to wipe out the Christian community by Christmas. Despite the violence, he says people are more open to the Gospel. “We’ve seen over 2,000, in the last three months, commit their lives to Christ. So, I think the Christians need to pray too that the Church has got the spiritual strength to stand up and be a witness in the midst of the attacks.”

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