Over half of Sudan’s population needs help to survive

By March 13, 2025

Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s bloody civil war will enter its third year next month. Two opposing generals remain deadlocked in a fight for control of Africa’s third-largest country.

“Five years ago, no Sudanese would have ever believed that what is happening to them and their country could ever take place,” a Gospel worker we’ll call John* says.

“Many of those who are displaced outside of Sudan feel that they have no real country to return to.”

The war triggered the world’s largest and fastest-growing displacement crisis, while famine has been confirmed in several areas of Sudan. Over half of Sudan’s population – more than 30 million people – need help to survive another day.

(Photo courtesy of Robert Stansfield/Department for International Development via Wikimedia Commons)

The region’s dominant religion offers little help. John says, “Sudanese from all strata of society are genuinely and desperately seeking inner peace, and Islam is generally silent.”

Yet hope remains. “In the middle of everything we’re talking about, more are coming to Christ out of Islam than [at] any other time in our ministry,” John says.

“God is moving in a powerful way.”

We can’t mention John’s group’s name for security purposes, but it offers evangelism and discipleship training, trauma healing, and targeted relief. Your support keeps this work going.

“It (the relief aid is) opening doors; within two months of doing that, we had 50 house churches, and we’re having baptisms in IDP camps,” John says.

“We’ve trained and sent out over 325 Muslim background believers from 61 tribes of Sudan, and they are all among their people, serving.”

Will you keep Sudan on your prayer list? “Prayer releases God’s power for ministry,” John says.

“As you pray for the people of Sudan, pray for God’s healing power to be released into broken hearts, bodies, and spirits. Pray for the growth of the Church in Sudan and its diaspora. Pray for growth and multiplication among the churches being planted.”





Header image depicts Sudanese refugees who have fled the conflict in Sudan register for food aid in neighboring Chad. (Photo courtesy of FCDO/Russell Watkins via Wikimedia Commons

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