Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s bloody civil war will enter its third year next month.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan’s bloody civil war will enter its third year next month.
Iran (MNN) — Believers from a Muslim background face renewed pressure in Iran.
Algeria (MNN) — Since 2019, Algeria’s government has shut down more than forty churches. Yet Algeria’s capital-C Church is far from crushed.
China (MNN) — It’s illegal to evangelize children in China. But in the Chinese diaspora, children’s Bibles just might reach their entire family.
Iran (MNN) — Authorities charged them with “acting against national security.”
Iran (MNN) –SAT-7 uses church history to inspire Iranian house churches.
China (MNN) — What do small groups look like in other countries?
China (MNN) — Theological training session shut down; persecution increasing by 20%
China (MNN) — 55-year-old pastor sentenced to two years of hard labor