International (MNN) — As we enter into Ramadan and many Muslims pray to have Mohammed give them guidance in a dream or vision, Josh* with I Found the Truth is praying for Muslims to have a different experience. This is a time in history where Josh says many Muslims are asking questions of faith and coming to know Jesus.
“We’re seeing Muslims encounter dreams and visions of Jesus all over the world. So most years, we will have a big project, and we’ll call people all around our ministries to pray, especially during the night of power, which is when a lot of Muslims will pray to receive a divine dream or vision from Mohammed himself. That’s when we band people together and say, ‘hey, let’s pray that instead of Mohammed, it’s Jesus that shows up in these dreams and brings hope and peace and love to their lives.’”
I Found the Truth is a video ministry of Uncharted Ministries started in 2018 where former Muslims share their testimonies of how Jesus changed their lives. According to Josh, when they first launched the series, they didn’t get many views. Now, they’ve had over 800,000 new YouTube subscribers since December 1.
“Muslims are coming to faith in Christ all over the globe, and many of them are seeking. They want to know more. We’re seeing more and more people looking at the videos, digesting them, sharing them, debating in the comment section,” says Josh.
“Our hope and intention was to get these testimonies out to Muslims around the world that are seeking to know more about Jesus.”
The ministry just finished their fifth season and is working on season six. Some of their projects include a round table series, where four or five former Muslims will walk through different topics related to Islam. They’re also working on a recap of the last six seasons, to look back to see all that the Lord has done.
Their Uncharted Rewind project, where they’ll have a former Muslim go through all the different episodes and talk about it in real time to the audience, is expected to come out this summer. Those who become believers are also then using the videos as a tool to evangelize to those around them.
“You can sit there and debate about different history or different parts of Christianity versus Islam, and that’ll just go round and round and round and round,” says Josh. “But many people say, ‘well, you can’t argue with someone’s personal testimony, their personal story.’”
Josh understands the risk many Muslims face in asking questions, seeking answers, and sharing their testimonies. He encourages individuals to put in a fake name and email if necessary for safety when contacting I Found the Truth.
If you want to stay up to date on I Found the Truth, sign up for their newsletter on their website, ifoundthetruth.com. Their videos can also be found on their YouTube channel here.
“We’re just praying that this year we see even more Muslims come to faith in Christ. We’re praying that these videos would get out there to folks that have been wandering and searching for years,” says Josh.
*name withheld for security reasons
Header photo courtesy of Uncharted Ministries.