Iran (MNN) — After being introduced in late 2022, Chat GPT steadily grew into a go-to source of information on the web.
Today, “more younger people are using Chat GPT as a primary search engine than Google,” says Mike* with Heart4Iran Ministries.
Thanks to Mohabat GPT, whenever a Muslim in Iran searches for answers about Christianity, they’ll find a carefully curated set of biblical content. Creators modified the code interacting with external sources in Chat GPT to point to Mohabat GPT servers instead.
Mohabat GPT is “a platform that has been gifted to us generously by one of our ministry partners, Al-Hayat Ministries,” Mike says.
“We anticipate that in reaching the younger audience, especially Millennials and Gen Z’s, [we will] see more success than our conventional multimedia approach.”
Heart4Iran leaders hope this is the first of many ways AI can advance Gospel outreach in Iran.
For example, “bringing the Gospel to Iran usually carries along with it a risk of putting faces and names on TV that may have families in Iran that could get into trouble,” Mike says.
However, using an AI-generated avatar to deliver the information instead of a person “creates a great opportunity for us to bring the latest news, updates, and encouragement to a region that otherwise would be difficult to reach.”
Pray for wisdom as Heart4Iran leverages Mohabat GPT and develops other AI tools to introduce Iranians to Christ.
“These tools can provide a set of unique challenges and can be quite dark at times,” Mike says.
“Please pray that we could be intentional and diligent in the biblical approach through the help of the Holy Spirit to bring the Gospel of light to people.”
*Name withheld for security purposes.
Header image depicts a recent Heart4Iran leadership conference. Faces blurred for security purposes. Photo courtesy of Heart4Iran.