Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — See what God is doing to build up the Church in the MENA region.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — See what God is doing to build up the Church in the MENA region.
International (MNN) — Gospel workers will have a new tool in their hands before long.
International (MNN) — The strengths and dangers of using AI in Bible translation.
International (MNN) — Ministries evaluate the uses of AI as it gains popularity, specifically in education.
Int’l (MNN) — DOOR International integrates artificial intelligence into its ministry.
Int’l (MNN) – Artificial intelligence (AI) is breaking into in Deaf ministry.
USA (MNN) — Indonesian Christians given Bible Translation Acceleration Kits to translate the Bible into their own languages.
International (MNN) — In the world of education, is AI a tool for service, or for cheating?
Iran (MNN) — Mohabat GPT connects Muslim seekers to Jesus.
Iran (MNN) — Artificial intelligence, or AI, is doing more than improving Iran’s military might.