Zambia (MNN) — Schools not shut down by government, teachers provided instead
Zambia (MNN) — Schools keep Zambian orphans connected to culture, out of orphanages

Zambia (MNN) — Kids Alive provides medical/school supplies
Zambia (MNN) — Nutrition seminars for mothers help dispel ancestral worship lies
Zambia (MNN) — Orphans lose touch with tribal roots

Zambia (MNN) — Kids Alive is reaching out to kids in one of the most difficult slums
International (MNN) — Teen Missions International summer teams travel worldwide, impact kingdom even at young age

Zambia (MNN) — Mobile clinics discontinued for lack of funds, making it difficult to reach the most needy people

Zambia (MNN) — Special wheelchairs open up opportunities for people who have lost limbs
Zambia (MNN) — Camp Hope introduces HIV/AIDS orphans to truth, faith, hope and love