Burkina Faso (MNN) — Believers dedicate the newly-released Bible to the Ciramba in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Believers dedicate the newly-released Bible to the Ciramba in Burkina Faso
International (MNN) — Wycliffe responds to controversial debate in Bible translation
Cameroon (MNN) — Wycliffe celebrates 25 years of Bible translation projects in Cameroon
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — 39 killed in DRC last week; Wycliffe steps in with trauma counseling
USA (MNN) — Forbes ranking gives Bible translation a push
International (MNN) — Specialists needed to bring music and arts to the Word
International (MNN) — Bible translators make plans to reach oral cultures
International (MNN) — Today’s the first of 40 in prayer initiative for Bible tranlsation
International (MNN) — Wycliffe partnership means exciting headway for 400 Sign Languages
Togo (MNN) — Tens of thousands of ancestor worshipers to have Scriptures in their heart language for the first time