International (MNN) — Print on Demand technology makes Bible distribution inconspicuous.
International (MNN) — Print on Demand technology makes Bible distribution inconspicuous.
International (MNN) — Driven by urgency in the face of violence.
International (Wycliffe Associates) — Wycliffe Associates and unfoldingWord Project are helping to accelerate translation.
MENA (MNN) — Bible translators hiding in plain sight as Islamic religious fervor swells.
Cameroon (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates providing support to Cameroon Bible translators living in the shadow of extremist violence.
International (MNN) — Bringing Bible translation into the 21st Century.
International (Wycliffe Associates) — Translators work ‘smarter’ to share God’s Word.
Nepal (MNN) — Nepal quake: mountain villages nearly cut off.
Central African Republic (MNN) — How serious are you about Bible translation?
International (MNN) — Team leaders needed for Bible translation project.