USA (MNN) — Spanish-speaking prisoners in Crossroads Bible studies need more mentors.
USA (MNN) — Spanish-speaking prisoners in Crossroads Bible studies need more mentors.
India (MNN) — A special group of students in India are about to celebrate the completion of their first-ever school year.
USA (MNN) — The Great Commission is not just for extroverts.
India (MNN) — Adult Literacy Classes offer education skills and Gospel opportunities.
Ethiopia (MNN) — God’s Spirit is working in remarkable ways around the world.
India (MNN) — Author Lynn Cowell shares her experience with a Mission India Adult Literacy Class
India (MNN) — How an Adult Literacy Class saved a family from witchcraft
North Korea (MNN) — As you pray this IDOP Sunday, write a letter
India (MNN) — Give the gift of literacy, today
Int’l (MNN) — Her employer was stealing her wages, literacy changed that