India (MNN) — Believers rush to support an Orissa school project on a tight deadline
India (MNN) — Believers rush to support an Orissa school project on a tight deadline
Haiti (MNN) — Ministry moves to prop up Haiti’s schools with 5-gallon buckets
India (MNN) — A dollar a day makes a huge difference in a child’s life in India
India (MNN) — Slumschool Project provides education as slum population increases
India (MNN) — Real life slumdogs receive education and food
Belize (MNN) — Short-term team acts as ‘Hands’ of Jesus
India (MNN) — Christians can partner with schools for needy children in India’s slums
Guatemala (MNN) — New elementary school building offers quality education
Latin America (MNN) — Christian schools need teams to help finish construction projects
Africa (MNN) — School ministry funds curriculum to equip African students to fight the AIDS epidemic